Friday, July 31, 2009

Your Brain on Music

This week listening to Your Brain on Music, he said something I though was interesting. He said something to the effect that the connections in your brain that music makes, or that connects to music are formed when you are young. This caused me to think about parents and children and music. It seems like every generation has music parents don't like that children want to listen to. I remember my parents giving me "grief" about some of the music I listened to as a teenager, and how I thought I would never give my kids grief about their music. I was going to be a mom that kept listening to modern music, so I would like the same kind of music my teenagers liked. It just did not happen.

Part of the reason might be that the words and content of some of the music my son wanted to listen to was just not appropriate. But maybe it's more than that. It's not that I don't like modern pop music, there's a lot I do like. However, I find that when I am in a position to just listen to whatever I want, like in the car by myself, I always go back to the music I listened to long ago. That was the music that really seemed to speak to me in some way, the music that you hear a song and you go "Oh, I love that song!" The same when I purchase something, I go back to the 1970s. I think the only music I have purchased that's newer than the 70s is Christmas music. Maybe it's because those passageways in my brain formed those connections, and then they stopped. You guys are mostly too young to have experienced that, but see if it holds true as you get older.


  1. I'll have to remember that advise. I agree that our favorite music we had growing up. There is still music I listened to in High School that I still enjoy. That has been since then music I've discovered that had been added to my lifelong favorites.

  2. Yeah, you are probably right. The music I like today is what I listened to with my dad growing up and what I listened to with my friends in high school. I like all kinds of music now, but it's harder for me to accept certain kinds now.

  3. I liked your comments. I grew up on the 70's and 80's because that is all my parents would really let me listen to, and now a lot of the modern music, I don't like or choose not to listen to. It is interesting how music can connect to us, or how songs are a huge part of our memories.

  4. That is really interesting. I wonder which type of music I'll gravitate towards in the future. right now I seem to like most kinds, except for country. I really have a hard time with country. But I think that does go back to my roots because we never listened to country when I was growing up, and I was taught very strictly in my music classes to make the correct vowels when I sing.

  5. Wow! That is a really neat comment. I wonder if there have been studies done on that very idea, I guess there prbably have been since studies have been done on everything. I think that I still haven't decided what kind of music I like. I like the Monkeys, John Denver, The Mills Brothers and all sorts of different songs and groups from different time periods.
