Saturday, July 11, 2009

A night at the Ballet

I attended the Ballet Under the Stars at Murray Park last night. It was a good performance, not quite professional quality, but very good. A couple of the dancers had some bobbles and nearly fell, but recovered nicely. It was a perfect evening for an outdoor performance! The temperature was perfect, there was no wind, and it was a beautiful setting. I took a jacket, but didn't need it. I liked the venue. It was intimate, there were no bad seats and their sound system is great.

I am not a big ballet fan, my experience with ballet is limited to The Nutcracker. It is beautiful, and I really appreciate how difficult ballet is, and how physically challenging it is. But some of the pieces seemed just really, really slow. One piece though, really stood out to me. It was one of the first ones performed from Carmen. The dancers were really excellent, and there were no bobbles that I could tell. There were just two dancers, and they told a story. I don't know the ballet Carmen, but I could use my imagination. At first the girl was flirtatious, they she reeled him in. He passionately loved her, and some of the scenes were very intimate. Then she leaves him in the end, and you could just feel his pain! All this portrayed throught dance. I think that was surprising to me, that I actually got what they were trying to portray. And if it wasn't exactly it, I thought it was Ok that I got that out of it. I guess that is the nice thing about art, you can make it your own by your own interpretatation.

All in all a lovely way to spend the evening. Worth the eight bucks!

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