Saturday, July 25, 2009

Class Discussion - Dance!

I have enjoyed the discussions on dance this week in class. My sister teaches ballet professionally, but I feel like I am kind of out of touch with dance, ballet especially. Something in class, I can't remember what exactly, made me think about the human body, and how it is created in the image of God. Is it any wonder, then, that people are able to do so many incredibly wonderful things with their bodies? Our bodies are part of the divine, so striving for great beauty and expression of self through our bodies makes sense to me. The great leaps and turns of ballet, defying gravity, expressing emotion and imitating natures flow as in modern dance, are just a taste of what will be possible when our bodies are perfect, in addition to being divine. I think that is, in part, what makes people discipline their bodies, and strive for perfection through dance.


  1. I am too out of touch when it comes to ballet. It is wonderful that humans can demonstrate beauty and divinity through dance. Maybe I should spend some more time understanding it.

  2. I really like your thoughts about dance and how it relates to the belief that the human body is connected in the image of God.

  3. Dance is one thing I wish I knew more about. The more I learn about ballet, the more I realize how much I don't know. But I agree that the body is a beautiful instrument. I just wish I knew the tune.

  4. I also have enjoyed the discussions on dance because Im not really a dancer, so its been interesting to learn about. It also amazes me that humans can create such beautiful things.

  5. I am WAY out of touch with ballet, if you are only partly out of touch with it! I had never really thought of the body like that before. I mean I know that our bodies are miracles and that we should respect our bodies, so that we can one day return to our Heavenly Father, but I'd never thought of it in that light. I loved your comment about striving for perfection through dance.

  6. It is amazing how expressive the human body alone can be. I mean, we can communicate in so many ways using our body language alone so it is no wonder that as we organize our body movements that we can come up with an art such as ballet. I just have to say that I never gave ballet dancers enough credit. After leaning a little of their disciple, in am impressed and have an new understanding of their strength.
