Friday, June 26, 2009

Class thoughts

After the first day of class, I began to think that maybe I actually need this class. When we watched the David Byrne video the first day, I was relatively unmoved. It was OK, the music was OK, the performance was OK. Then as we began discussing it, I found that many people got much more out of it than I did. I wondered if maybe I was missing something. I told my husband that night when I talked to him that maybe I had been around him too long. (My husband is an accountant, and the epitome of left-brain, rational, logical, non-emotional thinking, very sophic.)

I am an early-morning seminary teacher, and as I thought about this experience, I realized that maybe I need to look at art, music, theatre, whatever, in the same way I look at the scriptures. I constantly try to teach my students to dig deeper into the scriptures to find more meaning out of what they read. Perhaps I need to apply this to my perception of the arts. I need to go beyond just the surface and dig deeper to fully appreciate the beauty that lies within.


  1. I love the idea of looking at the humanities in the same way you look at the scriptures. I think this is key, and I love how the Church fosters careful reading and analysis and how there are symbols and allegories everywhere, just like in art. I think that I personally need to spend more time reading the scriptures the way that I read art. Thank you for sharing this insight!

  2. Your comment makes me smile. Sometimes I feel the exact same way! I can easily relate to some forms of the atrs but others I really have to force myself to try to understand. If have a hard time understanding certain paintings for example, I just give up. I feel like I very much need this class as well.
